Office Depot Customer Satisfaction Survey at

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Competition between one company and another is inevitable in the business world. The same is true for Office Depot today. They feel the need to go further to meet the future while glancing at their competitors. Therefore, they conducted Office Depot Customer Satisfaction Survey.

This survey is an innovative step from Office Depot to find out what makes customers feel satisfied or disgusted when shopping at their outlets. This survey is expected to be able to complement and correct deficiencies based on reviews from customers.

In return, the management has prepared the prizes to be offered to anyone who successfully completes the survey. You can help the company by completing the Office Depot Customer Satisfaction Survey, and the company rewards you.

Office Depot Customer Satisfaction Survey at

About Office Depot Customer Satisfaction Survey

Office Depot was founded by 3 people, F. Patrick Sher, Jack Kopkin, and Stephen Doughtery, who managed each with their respective positions in 1986. Until 2022, Office Depot already has more than 1,300 outlets and 3,800 employees located in the United States and Europe.

This is a company that provides workplace needs to support the performance of workers for better. The outlets belonging to Depot Office do not need to doubt the completeness of the products they sell, ranging from furniture, correspondence needs, office stationery, and school supplies.

It is noted the company has sponsored major events several times as a marketing strategy. NASCAR became the first partner sponsored by Office Depot in early 2005. 3 years later, it became the co primary sponsor for Tony Stewart until 2012 when Office Depot changed to sponsor Born This Way Foundation.

Aware of their shortcomings, the management is ready to do some upgrades in several sectors via this Office Depot Customer Satisfaction Survey. They ask for your help explaining what they need to improve or fix for a more impressive service.

Office Depot Customer Satisfaction Survey Details

Survey NameOffice Depot Customer Satisfaction Survey
Survey PrizeGrab $10 – $50 off coupon
CountryUnited States of America
LanguageEnglish or Spanish
Entry MethodVia online
Entry LimitOne purchase receipt per survey

Office Depot Customer Satisfaction Survey Prize

Office Depot management will not only invite you to take this survey, but it will give you a small gift. A $10 coupon may be yours after you successfully submitting the completed survey. You may use the coupon to get $10 discount on your purchase with minimum total price of $50.

However, you should know this coupon gift of Office Depot Customer Satisfaction Survey can change at any time depending on the policy of the company. You can check by visiting the Office Depot official website for more information or directly ask the store employees.

Office Depot Customer Satisfaction Survey Rules

  • Only those aged 17 and over are eligible to take this survey.
  • All this company’s employees, employees’ families, and agents are not entitled to take this survey.
  • The gifts you get cannot be given to other people. You have to redeem it yourself.
  • Each entrant can only take the Office Depot Customer Satisfaction Survey

Office Depot Customer Satisfaction Survey Requirements

  • A device, such as laptop or smartphone to access the online Office Depot Customer Satisfaction Survey.
  • Understanding English or Spanish language at mid-level is necessary.
  • An active email address.
  • You must have a purchase receipt with survey invitation code from the cashier of any Office Depot outlets.

Office Depot Customer Satisfaction Survey at

  1. Go to to open the official Office Depot Customer Satisfaction Survey.
  2. At the top right corner, choose between 2 languages available, English or Spanish.
  3. If you feel it is necessary, you may first read the privacy policy and survey support at the bottom of the page.
  4. Check your purchase receipt to find 12 digits code to be inputted into the provided field then click ‘Begin Survey’.
  5. You will be navigated into questionnaire survey page. Answer them completely.
  6. You need to remember that you must provide answers based on your honest experience when visiting at any Office Depot stores.
  7. Give rating based your satisfaction or dissatisfaction level towards that store.
  8. The next step is to type your personal email address, home address, full name, and phone number.
  9. Recheck your answers. If you are sure, you may submit the Office Depot Customer Satisfaction Survey.
  10. The coupon validation code will appear shortly after that. Write the code down on your purchase receipt to be shown at the store the next time you revisit it.


Hopefully, after reading a little of the description above, you will be moved to spend a little time helping the company through Office Depot Customer Satisfaction Survey. It is easy and does not take your time much.